From Dr. Pillai and Siddha Venkataraman
Goddess Angali, often referred to by Dr. Pillai as the “Goddess of Supernormal Powers,” is a universal Goddess who, also according to Dr. Pillai, belongs to the “Satya Yuga,” or the Golden Age. Dr. Pillai has recently revealed she is now coming back into the earth plane, making it the perfect time to get to know more about her.
Below, you can read why this Goddess is so unique, profound, and relevant to you with revelations from Dr. Pillai and also the Siddha, Venkataraman, of the Agasthiar lineage, who was in contact with this Goddess.
Please read and enjoy, and also share with others who you think would benefit from this education.
Revelations from Dr. Pillai
"Goddess Angali is Mother Kali, the Mother Divine who will give Siddhi powers. Siddhi powers are supernormal powers. Something similar to the Holy Spirit in the Christian tradition. The last teaching of Jesus was that, “You should all be able to do miracles.” Every human being is worthy of that, and that is the gift of the Holy Spirit, or Goddess Angali, to you.
Goddess Angali is also a form of Saraswati, the Goddess of learning who can transform even a person who is illiterate into a great poet. She can also make someone a great scientist, a mathematician like Ramanujan, who was a mathematics genius. He got all the powers from the Goddess.
Goddess Angali is the Goddess who belongs to the Satya Yuga, and that is why she is associated with the highest form of knowledge or wisdom, which is to perform miracles.
Unfortunately, what has happened over a period of time is she has been pushed aside. However, she is coming back into this world to give us not just material science, but spiritual science to activate the third eye and enable people to perform miracles through non-physical intelligence.
Her worship is a very, very powerful one, and I am bringing it back to society."
— Dr. Pillai
Revelations from Siddha Venkataraman
Dr. Pillai has often referred to Siddha Venkataraman and his work. He is a Tamil Siddha who shares a deep connection to Dr. Pillai’s lineage. He was the 1001st teacher of Agastya’s illustrious, unbroken spiritual lineage of “Satgurus,” or Gurus of truth. Agastya is considered the chief of all the Siddhas, and a former incarnation of Dr. Pillai’s, as revealed by multiple oracle readings known as “Nadi Astrology.”
Venkataraman is the siddha who established Agastya’s ashram next to Mt. Arunachala, where Dr. Pillai has taken students on several different occasions.
He has a special relationship with Goddess Angali. It was revealed that he manifested from a gem from the Goddess’s anklet.
He was initiated into her worship in his recent incarnation as a young boy by his siddha Guru, Sri Idiyaapa Eesa Siddha. He would walk around her shrine 1,008 times before meeting with his Guru every day. Because of this special practice, he was able to see the Goddess.
Below is the image he saw which he specially commissioned for the benefit of humanity.
Through the grace of his Guru, the siddhas, and Goddess Angali, he became a Siddha Satguru by his teens! He later composed 101 verses for her as a mode of worship while in a state of Divine ecstasy. He shared that it was Agastya himself who composed them from within him.
He has revealed many secrets about Goddess Angali, which you cannot find anywhere else in the world. You can read about them on his official site, here. As they have requested not to copy and paste their content, below you can find just some of the Siddha Venkataraman’s revelations, but in paraphrased form:
As you can see, Goddess Angali's glory knows no bounds!
"Goddess Angali is coming to my Brzee Temple. Some of you know about the new Brzee statue at the temple which I just built.
The sophisticated Vedic way to call on her is with a big fire ritual through a number of Brahmin priests who will invoke her. That is a very, very powerful way of contacting her.
But the most important thing is to put you in her presence. How are you going to be in her presence? You send a picture. The picture will be a surrogate of you. It is a very ancient technology. She will bless you and then it will be kept there for a period of time.
I just wanted to revive that.
God Bless!"
— Dr. Pillai
Join the Grand Consecration Ceremonies for New Goddess Angali Statue
LIVE on July 31, 2019 at 4:30 am PT/ 7:30 am ET/ 5:00 pm IST
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