New 1-Hour Meditation Webcast with Ganesha and Dr. Pillai:


September 1 at 7:00 pm PT  |  September 2 at 2:00 am UTC

Access the Highest Intelligence by Destroying Doubt with Ganesha's Help

"Ganesha has the highest intelligence. He will remove obstacles. There is a relationship between an obstacle and a doubt. A doubt is the primordial obstacle. All of the obstacles start from doubt. The moment you doubt it, you have created an obstacle. Vighna in Sanskrit is an obstacle. Ganesha is called Vighneshwara, the Master of Obstacles or the Master Remover of Obstacles, meaning that he is the remover of doubt.”


— Dr. Pillai

Gain Access to Exclusive Mystery School III Teachings on Ganesha's Birthday

Mystery School III is Dr. Pillai’s current most premier and exclusive yearlong teaching program. In honor of Ganesha’s birthday and because Ganesha wants more students to receive these teachings, Dr. Pillai will release a 1-hour teaching and meditation webcast that previously only Mystery School III members have experienced.


This is a do-not-miss experience if you wish to get beyond the doubts (obstacles) that hold you back from the goals you want to accomplish and the life you would love to live.

“You have such a wealth of power within you, all of you. No need for a skill set, no need for anything except for a great consciousness, in which there is no doubt.”


— Dr. Pillai

The Teachings and Meditation will Include:

  • A technique to instantly activate third eye pranic breathing

  • A mantra and technique to activate naval pranic breathing and connect it to the third eye

  • A mantra and technique to remove the primordial source of all doubts (obstacles) to enable instantaneous manifestation

  • A mantra and technique to activate the secret area of the brain where Ganesha lives so you can manifest thoughts without time

Experience Group Synergy on Ganesha's Birthday

Meditating in a group has been scientifically proven to be more powerful than meditating by yourself. You are invited to join the live webcast during Ganesha’s birthday to collectively receive initiation and experience the powerful transmission given by Ganesha himself through Dr. Pillai. The more people who join, the more potential to amplify the energy and blessings for everyone.

“We are very grateful to Ganesha for this great gift from him, for revealing the secret of going beyond the primordial obstacle [doubt], and instantaneous manifestation through the highest intelligence.”


— Dr. Pillai

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