Guru Purnima 2019:


Read Dr. Pillai's message below to receive a meditation for instantaneous though manifestation, then scroll down to learn how to receive more revelations about this topic during Guru Purnima 2019.

Secrets of Instant Manifestation

A Message from Dr. Pillai

By thinking you manifest. This is yogic technology. The yogis talk about “Siddha Sankalpa,” which means a perfect thought. You have a perfect thought, and it manifests itself into matter.

Now, this no longer philosophy, it is science. In Quantum Physics, there is this concept called “The Observer”.

So all of the time what you need to do is to think what you want with focus. When you do that, you will collapse that thought into a material reality.

The most interesting thing about this creation through the thought process is that it doesn’t take too much time. You just need think from the quantum level, which is the speed of the electron. You can ride on the electron and pick up its speed.


Meditation for Instantaneous Thought Manifestation


The way you do that is by imagining a thought you want to manifest inside of an electron which is spinning at the speed of the light. Then that thought will acquire the power of the electron, the speed of the electron. When you do this your psychology itself will change.


The electron will have moved many times over before you even finish a thought. But at least through the discipline of thinking, and associating yourself with the electron, you can manifest at tremendous speed. The more focus you have, the faster the waves will be collapsed into matter.


This is How We Create the "Golden Age"


If everybody begins to live life like that, they will completely purify the consciousness around them, and the environment will be clean. So what we need is a community of people committing themselves to changing their thought patterns, to pick up the speed to delete all past memories of slow growth. Then you will find that we are going to create “The Golden Age”.


Now your thinking has no speed, has no focus, and does not expect a result instantaneously. It is confused, it is goofy, it is unconscious - it has all of these characteristics. The whole human race is a victim to this slow, unproductive, purposeless thinking most of the time, if not all of the time.


Do This to Heal All Your Problems

You have to stop this process, and this is how you can evolve. The moment you put this idea in your consciousness, the DNA will respond, the genes will respond, and they will create another reality. This is how you can heal your diseases, heal your money problems, heal your health problems, relationship problems, all kinds of problems. These problems are basically thought patterns functioning at a very gross, unintelligent, unconscious, goofy, and low frequency level.

The moment you become conscious, then you become the electron moving at a great speed. Then you do not have to wait for a long time for things to happen.


The Hope for Humanity


Humanity has only one hope, and that is to change their thinking pattern. If they continue to think in this fashion, creating time, creating foolishness, it is unfortunate.


Collective evolution is the best way. If thousands of people group together and meditate, and put their attention on riding the electrons at the speed of light, it will create a vortex of energy. That energy is so strong that it will change everything.


Instant manifestation, or "Siddha Sankalpa," is one of the topics Dr. Pillai has announced he will be sharing about during Guru Purnima:


"I am going to talk about the wisdom, not just the knowledge, of the Gurus of India, to get whatever you want, whether it is knowledge, or money, or relationship, whatever, on-demand, which means as soon as you think you need to manifest it.

They had this method called ‘Siddha Sankalpa.’ Your ‘Sankalpa’ has to be so powerful, Sankalpa means thought.

Your thought should be so powerful that it should translate itself into a material, three-dimensional reality instantaneously." - Dr. Pillai


Scroll down to learn how to join his free webcast during the Full Moon to receive this precious information.


Dr. Pillai has announced he will be offering two different ways to be in his virtual presence during Guru Purnima 2019, which occurs on July 15 in the U.S. Scroll down to learn more about how to participate, with both free and paid options available.

Option #1: Free Guru Purnima Webcast

With Dr. Pillai on July 15 at 2 p.m. PT (9 p.m. UTC)


During this free webcast, you will have an opportunity to receive Dr. Pillai's digital darshan during the precious Guru Purnima time. Dr. Pillai will be sharing wisdom from the Gurus of India to 'get whatever you want' on-demand, like wealth, knowledge, relationships, and health. Click the button to open and bookmark the live viewing page.

Option #2: Three Day Digital Retreat

With Dr. Pillai from July 13-15


This exclusive online retreat with Dr. Pillai will be a three-day intensive where Dr. Pillai will be giving initiations to acquire 'Siddhi' consciousness - a state of awareness that allows you to think and manifest instantaneously. He will be drawing from the classical texts Shiva Sutra, authored by Lord Shiva, and Yoga Sutras, authored by the Father of Yoga Patanjali, imparting secret mantras and teachings. Additionally, he will be channeling wisdom from different ascended Gurus who will be flooding the earth plane during this time. Click the button to learn more about the three day retreat and how to participate.

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