Discover Secrets to Acquire On-Demand Knowledge, Health,

Wealth & Relationship

Live Online July 13-15

On-Demand Replays Available

"We live in the 21st century where we want everything right away, in the now, if not yesterday.


I am going to talk about the wisdom, not just the knowledge, of the Gurus of India for getting whatever you want, whether it is knowledge, money, relationship, or whatever, on-demand, meaning as soon as you think you manifest it.


They had this method called ‘Siddha Sankalpa.' Sankalpa means thought.


Your thought should be so powerful that it should translate itself into a material, three-dimensional reality instantaneously. What is the technology?


Shiva put it very beautifully in the Shiva Sutras, which I will be teaching during Guru Purnima. He said 'Jnanam bandhah—knowledge is bondage." Once you know something, then you have created a frozen state of mind. Patanjali would say, "Stop the mind. Stop acquiring the knowledge."


What then should you acquire? You should acquire not knowledge but wisdom.


The model here is to get wisdom first and knowledge secondarily. We have dropped learning wisdom, and we have put all our effort, time, and everything into what? Acquiring science and technology.


That means we are wasting time and are not going to get anything on demand. It is a very, very long and lengthy process which is not useful for us.


But Patanjali, the Father of Yoga, and the Shiva Sutras, authored by Lord Shiva, both give you great understanding of the knowledge system as separate from the wisdom system. You have to acquire wisdom first, and through wisdom you can easily manifest on-demand, whether it be knowledge, wealth, relationship, or anything.


This is what the Gurus have been saying since times immemorial.


I want to invite you to come and benefit from the wisdom of the Gurus on the most auspicious day of Guru Purnima."


— Dr. Pillai


Dr. Pillai Explains...

“The upcoming Full Moon of the Guru is a very special time. This Full Moon is claimed by everyone as sacred and most important. The Buddhists think that it is the day that the Buddha was born. The Hindus think that it is the day that Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedas, was born. The Jains claim that it is their own.


It is because it is the most important night, when the Moon is extremely powerful. It affects your brain in a significant way to give you greater intelligence. It’s not just knowledge, but intelligence of the highest kind. The Yogis acquire Siddhi powers on this day. This happens because of the Angels and Ascended Masters (Gurus) coming down into this Earth plane during this time.


Full Moons in general have a tremendous amount of power over the brain. They can change your brain in a miraculous way.


To benefit everyone who is living in a different part of the world, I decided to give an empowerment initiation, and talks, on this very important Full Moon, every year.”


— Dr. Pillai


  • A Guru is a manifestation of God Consciousness on the Earth plane. 
  • A Guru is a creator who gives you the vision to realize your potential, a sustainer who guides you toward reaching a state of perfection, and a destroyer of ignorance (your negative karma). 
  • A Guru symbolizes moral values, spirituality, and wisdom. 
  • A Guru is a medium through which you can approach truth – the supreme reality. 
  • A Guru is a teacher who can help you identify the blockages that impede the realization of your goals and guide you toward right thoughts and right action. 

Dr. Pillai teaches, “The Guru is often attributed to have the ability to change the karma of people. They have taken upon themselves this mission of making life easier for people. That is their obligation. In order to be totally transformed by the Guru, you have to look at the Guru as your own Higher Self, as your own God guiding you, and if you have the trust, then you are transformed."


Guru Purnima, which is the Full Moon, is a special window of time for the descent of all the Gurus from their heavenly abode into the earth plane. The living Guru accesses the energy of the Gurus and passes it on to the students on this special Full Moon day. There are gurus who specialize on enlightenment, incredible wealth, light body and ever so many other subjects. During this Guru Purnima day, Dr. Pillai will introduce you to some of the stalwart Gurus’ teaching on enlightenment, health and wealth.


Topics included are:

  • Getting beyond the barriers of the senses to contact God
  • Transcending cause and effect for on-demand manifestation
  • Transcending time for on-demand knowledge
  • Using secretive mantras to accomplish the above three

The exclusive program will work with classical texts like Pantajali’s yoga sutra and Shiva Sutra to gain siddhi (supernormal) consciousness.

About these teachings, Dr. Pillai says, "For those of you watching me, although I don't see you through my physical eyes, I see your problems, your agony, your misery through my inner eye. I'm going to talk about these issues. I will not only talk but also give you a solution. The solution is for all of our human race. You have to work with the Enlightened Beings. Where are the Beings? They are inside of you. They can do a better job."



Join Dr. Pillai for the most auspicious day of the year to be with a Guru. You will have access to 2+ hours of Dr. Pillai’s live teachings and darshan, followed by one hour of teachings from a Pillai Center teacher.  Dr. Pillai will reveal the inner meaning of the sacred texts of Siva Sutras and/or the Yoga Sutras. Beyond his teachings on the sutras, he will give a Divine energy transmission called Darshan, as well as group initiation of a special siddhi power mantra.


Mohini, Dr. Pillai’s most advanced student, will guide you through an intensive, one hour immersion of the siddhi power mantra given by Dr. Pillai. This immersion will allow you to experience the mantra on a deep level, embedding it into your consciousness so that you vibrate with the power of the mantra- preparing you for your ongoing daily, practice.


Experience Dr. Pillai’s Guru Purnima Fire Lab and energy transmission. You will watch live as he performs the fire lab and uses the ancient technology of fire to call upon Divine archetypes and ascended masters to be present and give special blessings on this auspicious day when these beings are abundantly available on the earth plane.


This intensive retreat falls on extremely auspicious days this year.  Day one of the retreat is Saturday Pradosham which is the most beneficial time to remove stubborn karma.  You will have access to Dr. Pillai on this day, which is considered a great boon just to see the form of the Guru during a Saturn Pradosham.


Day two of the retreat is the 14th Moon and a Sunday, auspicious times to remove obstacles and access the Sun’s power for enlightenment.


Day three of the retreat is Full Moon of the Guru, falling on a Monday, ruled by the Moon.


You will have access to 6+ hours of Dr. Pillai’s live teachings and darshan, followed by teaching sessions from a Pillai Center teacher.  Dr. Pillai will reveal the inner meaning of the sacred texts of Siva Sutras and the Yoga Sutras. Beyond his teachings on the sutras, he will give Divine energy transmission called Darshan, as well as group initiation of special siddhi power mantras.


Mohini, Dr. Pillai’s most advanced student, will guide you through 4+ hours of intensive immersion sessions of the siddhi power mantras given by Dr. Pillai. These immersions will allow you to experience the mantras on a deep level, embedding them into your consciousness so that you vibrate with the mantra preparing you for your ongoing dailypractice.


Experience Dr. Pillai’s Guru Purnima Fire Lab and energy transmission. You will watch live as he performs the fire lab and uses the ancient technology of fire to call upon Divine archetypes and ascended masters to be present and give special blessings on this auspicious day when these beings are abundantly available on the earth plane.



Dance Your Way To Siddhi Powers


Join Dr. Pillai’s Exclusive Experience with Goddess Angali, the Supreme Archetype of Siddhi Powers. During the three-day retreat, he will give additional, special sessions to this group to empower you with the energy of Goddess Angali and facilitate an intimate communion with her.


Angali Will Give You Siddhi Powers


“I’m going to teach you Siddhi Powers. Dance your way to Siddhi Powers. People misunderstand that Siddhi Power is difficult; it takes a long time, years, lifetimes, and so forth. But I have found a way that it can be instantaneous. God doesn’t want people to work hard for Siddhi Power. It is so easy to get, and who is going to give the Siddhi Power? Angali. 


What is Siddhi Power? Siddhi Power is Omniscience, knowing everything right now without any difficulty.


If you just give everything to Angali, she will give you everything. This is Angali’s style.  If you have Siddhi Power, the Gods and Goddesses will come and tell you, you don’t need anything. I will give it to you. How?


Once you are doing that, she will one day get into your body and after that your brain will change. I will guide you on how to do this in the exclusive experiential sessions. We will call upon Goddess Angali, dance, and ask her to come into your body.  You don’t have to meditate; you don’t have to know about the mind, or anything."



— Dr. Pillai


One-Day Intensive

Online July 15 (Guru Purnima)

On-Demand Replays Available

    • Teachings & Darshan with Dr. Pillai, 2+ hours
    • Teachings with Pillai Center Teacher, 1+ hour
    • Mantra Immersion, 2-Hour Experiential Session with Mohini
    • Guru Purnima Fire Lab with Dr. Pillai


    Three-Day Intensive

    Online July 13 - July 15

    On-Demand Replays Available

    • Teachings & Darshan with Dr. Pillai, 6+ hours
    • Teachings with Pillai Center Teacher, 3+ hours

    • Mantra Immersion - Experiential Session with Mohini, 6 hours

    • Guru Purnima Fire Lab with Dr. Pillai


    Three-Day Intensive + Exclusive Experience

    Online July 13 - July 15

    On-Demand Replays Available

      • Teachings & Darshan with Dr. Pillai, 6+ hours

      • Teachings with Pillai Center Teacher, 3+ hours

      • Mantra Immersion - Experiential Session with Mohini, 6 hours

      • Guru Purnima Fire Lab with Dr. Pillai

      • Experience of Angali with Dr. Pillai, 4+ hours

      • Saturday Pradosham Hydration with Dr. Pillai

      • Guru Purnima Midnight Darshan with Dr. Pillai



      “It's a Different Kind of Joy I Feel...”


      It’s so powerful. Three days, I feel like I am jumping, like my heart is full of love and compassion. It’s a different kind of joy I feel. I have no words to say thanks to Babaji and the great team. Everybody, we are all connected to each other - like all the souls sitting together today (in-person), too -is really, really amazing.
      Even during the meditation time, I was working in this mall with the customers, all 3 days, and had earphones in my ears. I felt a lot shift, and when I got time to sit down, I felt Babaji showering on me the energy. It’s totally, totally an amazing experience.


      “A Very Clear Idea Where to Go...”


      I only joined for a day, but it was very powerful. Before Guru Purnima started, I had different kinds of energies all around me, but I think Guru Purnima really cleared all that up for me, and I have just emerged very clear.
      I feel I have a very clear idea where to go, so to speak, and what to avoid… and actually, yes, what are my distractions? I have a very clear understanding of how I have to get there. Thank you, all.


      “Not There in Person, But I Was There...”


      Those 3 days, no, I was not there in person, but I was there. There was one moment in meditation, a nanosecond. It was just a nanosecond that I saw some stuff that just has blown me away.



      STORY 1

      "Dr. Pillai Was Turning to Light."


      On Full Moon of the Guru, my husband and I were sitting in a group teaching from Dr. Pillai, and my husband leaned over to me and told me that he was turning to light. Without thinking, I picked up my camera and filmed Dr. Pillai at that very moment.


      My camera caught him. Sure enough, there was a video of him as Light. At that group session, Dr. Pillai was also disappearing and shape shifting. Several times, his head disappeared and you could see his turban floating in the air. Not everyone saw this, but many of us did. He also turned into other sages and unusual beings. I’m lucky that my husband sees these visions with me. We are otherwise normal people.


      Saraswati Ford

      STORY 2

      "My Spiritual Longing Was Fulfilled."


      During Full Moon of the Guru in 2016, I was in San Diego with my teacher, Dr. Pillai. All my expectations for bliss and positive change were met during his seminars and meditations. I was changed forever and my spiritual longing was fulfilled. From their facial expressions and comments, I could tell that everyone was both peaceful and blissful. I’ll never forget it. I’m forever grateful to Dr. Pillai for his grace, and the many miracles he's brought into my life.


      Donatella Lalitha Riback